
[ESC2010]房颤的流行病学及治疗进展——J.Y. Le Heuzey教授专访

作者:  J.Y.LeHeuzey   日期:2010/8/31 20:18:00


1. 您在本次会议上有一个专题讲座题为“房颤的流行病学”,能否简要概况一下当前房颤的患病率和病因学概况?房颤的总体医疗负担处在怎样的状态?

    <International Circulation>: So there is potential of this drug to replace warfarin?

    Dr Le Heuzey : Yes, that is the goal. The third important point is regarding antiarrhythmic therapy. As you know, for 25 years we have not had any new antiarrhythmic drugs and that was a pity because there was an unmet need. However, recently a new drug called dronedarone has become available so one of the goals of the group writing the guidelines was to well define the place of dronedarone in the armamentarium we can use for these patients.


    <International Circulation>:What are your comments on radiofrequency catheter ablation?

    Dr Le Heuzey : It is clear that radiofrequency catheter ablation has an increasing place in the treatment of AF because although it is a difficult procedure it does work. What is important to know is that these ablation procedures will never concern a large majority of patients. As I said before, the number of patients with AF is and will continue to be huge so ablation has a place but it will concern only some of those patients.


    <International Circulation>: What is your view of left atrial appendage occlusion in prevention of stroke for patients with AF?

    Dr Le Heuzey :This is also an interesting development but I think the good indications for this procedure concern patients who are not able to take antithrombotic drugs. For example, for patients with a history of bleeding for whom it is not possible to take an antithrombotic drug, it could be a good alternative. However, it is the same as radiofrequency ablation in that it will concern only a small amount of patients.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

房颤J.Y. Le.Heuzey

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